PORTLAND, OREGON | 503.679.6569


About Me

Hello and welcome! My name is Alayna and I am an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC - I know that’s a mouth full). My passion for helping women and babies feed was ignited with the birth of my own children. I thought breastfeeding was just a choice I needed to make. I worried more about my hospital bag than getting my ducts in a row for help with breastfeeding when I was at home alone. I knew nothing after leaving the hospital, or at least felt like I knew nothing about feeding or nurturing my new baby. And I was a pediatric RN!

It wasn’t until an angel IBCLC came to my house in the middle of a snow storm to help me off the couch and call my OB for help with a breast infection. She listened, cared, and gave me hope.

My Mission

At the heart of my practice is a commitment to providing personalized lactation support to help empower familes to make the best decisions on how they feed their babes.

consultation Services

Whether you're an expectant parent or looking for ongoing support, I'm here for you. Schedule a consultation or connect with me on Lactation Centers of America - to see if I accept your health insurance - to start your breastfeeding journey with confidence.

  • I understand that the breastfeeding journey can have its ups and downs. My approach is empathetic, evidence-based, and focused on finding practical solutions that work for you and your baby. Together, we'll create a nurturing environment for successful breastfeeding.

    Thank you for considering me as your lactation consultant. I look forward to supporting you and your family.

    Warm regards,

  • Tailored one-on-one sessions to address your specific concerns and provide hands-on guidance.

    Book Now!

  • Anticipate and prepare for breastfeeding challenges with informative sessions designed for expectant parents.


  • Join a supportive community of parents to learn, share experiences, and build a network of support. COMING SOON!